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Axios Headers

Using Headers with Axios


In this article, we examined how to set HTTP request headers with Axios by passing the headers object or updating the default global configuration.

These are the available config options for making requests:

  • Only url is required.
  • Requests will default to GET if method is not specified.
  • url is the server URL for the request.


Headers are an important configuration option when making requests with Axios. They allow us to add custom HTTP header information to our requests, such as authorization credentials, user agents, content types, and more.

In this article, we will focus on:

  • Setting headers globally for all requests.
  • Setting headers for individual requests.

Vue 3, Axios: Adding Global Headers and Per-Request Headers

The syntax for adding global headers and per-request headers in Vue3 with Axios is different. Here are the three scenarios:

  • Adding global headers.
  • Adding headers for POST requests.
  • Adding headers for GET requests.

We will cover each of these scenarios in detail in the article.
